How to install WordPress
This is a short step-by-step article on how to install WordPress on your WordPress hosting account:
- Create a database for the new WordPress installation. You can do that from the Databases section of the Pixie control panel.
- Download on your local computer the last stable WordPress version. You can do that from the official WordPress site.
- Unzip the downloaded installation package. By default, the unzipped folder will be named wordpress. If you want your site to be accessible at, upload the contents inside that folder (not the parent folder itself) to the public_html folder on your hosting account. You can do that with an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla).
- Once you have the WordPress files and folders on your hosting account access with your web browser the URL address corresponding to their location. For example, if they are uploaded directly in the public_html folder on your hosting account, just open with the browser. This will start the actual installation process.
- On the first page you'll see a message that during the installation process the wp-config.php file will be created automatically. Just click on the button Create a Configuration File to continue. The next page is just a reminder that you need to know the database information in order to complete the installation. Click on the button Let's go to proceed.
- In the respective fields on the following page type the full database name of the database that you created for the application, and the username and password for the user that you added for the database. Leave the Database Host field to the default localhost. By default, in the field for Table Prefix there's wp_. You can leave it as it is (provided there isn't another WordPress installation with the same prefix in the same database). Click on Submit to continue.
- On the next page you'll see a confirmation that a connection has been established with the database. Click on the button Run the install.
- The following page is for creating the admin user. Type a username, a password and an email address in the respective fields. In the field for Site Title type a name for your site. There's also a checkbox for allowing search engines to index your site. Once you're done click on the Install WordPress button. After you do that your WordPress will be installed and you can access the frontend and backend of your site.
For screenshots and some more details (including how to create a wp-config.php file manually) check out the tutorial on installing WordPress.