
How to remove the optimization tips block from the dashboard of the admin panel in PrestaShop

By default, the homepage of the back office in PrestaShop displays a block that shows tips for optimizing and speeding up the frontend of the store.

In PrestaShop 1.5 this block is named Configuration checklist and is displayed in the left column of the dashboard. To hide the Configuration checklist panel go to Administration menu>Preferences in the back office and on the page that opens set the option Hide optimization tips to Yes and click on the Save button. Note, however, that this will only minimize the block, it will not remove it completely. So when you go to the homepage of the back office the optimization tips will not be displayed, but a small bar with the title of the block and an arrow will still be visible. If you click on the arrow, the panel will expand and the optimization tips will be displayed.

If you want to remove the optimization tips block completely, you need to edit the file optimizationTips.tpl. If your PrestaShop is installed directly in the public_html directory on your PrestaShop hosting account, then the path to the file will be public_html/admin_directory/themes/default/template/controllers/home/optimizationTips.tpl (you need to replace admin_directory with the actual name of your admin folder). In that file comment out the following code:

<div class="admin-box1">
<h5>{l s='Configuration checklist'}
<span style="float:right">
<a id="optimizationTipsFold" href="#">
<img alt="v" src="../img/admin/{if $hide_tips}arrow-down.png{else}arrow-up.png{/if}" />
<ul id="list-optimization-tips" class="admin-home-box-list" 
{if $hide_tips}style="display:none"{/if} >
{foreach from=$opti_list item=i key=k}
  <img src="../img/admin/{$i.image}" class="pico" />
<a  style="color:{$i.color}" href="{$i.href}">{$i.title}</a>

To comment it out put an exclamation mark and two hyphens after the first bracket of the code (e.g. <!--div) and two hyphens before the last one (e.g. /div-->). You can edit the file from the Files section of the Pixie control panel. Alternatively, you can download it with an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla), edit it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad, Wordpad), and upload it back in the same folder overwriting the old file.

In PrestaShop 1.4 the optimization tips block is labeled A good beginning... and it's displayed in the right column of the homepage of the back office. To hide the optimization tips just click on the X that's in the top right corner of the block, or go to the Preferences menu and on the page that opens set the option Hide optimization tips to Yes. As with PrestaShop 1.5 this will only minimize the block and hide only the optimization tips, but a bar with the title of the block and a small arrow will remain on the admin panel's homepage. When you click on the arrow the block will expand and the tips will be shown.

To remove the optimization tips block completely you need to edit the file AdminHome.php. If your PrestaShop is installed in the public_html directory on your PrestaShop hosting account, the path to the file will be public_html/admin_directory/tabs/AdminHome.php (of course, admin_directory should be replaced with the actual name of your admin folder). In the file comment out the string of code that begins with:

<div class="admin-box1">
<h5>'.$this->l('A good beginning...')

and ends with:

<a href="index.php?tab=AdminGenerator&token='.Tools::
getAdminTokenLite('AdminGenerator').'">'.$this->l('.htaccess up-to-date').'

To comment it out put and exclamation mark and two hyphens after the first bracket of the string (e.g. <!--div) and two hyphens before the last bracket (e.g. /div-->). You can do that from the Files section of the Pixie control panel. Another way is to download the file on your local computer with an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla), edit it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad, Wordpad) and upload it back overwriting the old file.

For information on how to remove the news and link blocks from the admin panel of your PrestaShop check out the article on removing the PrestaShop News and PrestaShop Link blocks from the homepage of the back office.

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