
How to disable the update notification message shown in the admin panel of PrestaShop

By default, if there's a new version of PrestaShop available, on the home page of you application's backend you'll see a notification message informing you about this. The message will be shown until you update your application to the current stable version. However, if you want to, you can disable this automatic notification. The file that you need to modify to achieve this depends on the version of your PrestaShop.

To remove the message New PrestaShop version available from the admin panel of PrestaShop 1.4, you need to edit a file called AdminHome.php. If, for example, your PrestaShop is installed directly in the public_html directory of your PrestaShop hosting account, meaning the frontend is accessible at, and the admin folder is named admin_dir, then the path to the file would be public_html/admin_dir/tabs/AdminHome.php. Find and comment out the following code:

if (@ini_get('allow_url_fopen'))
$upgrade = new Upgrader();
if($update = $upgrade->checkPSVersion())
echo '<div class="warning warn" style="margin-bottom:30px;"><h3>'
.$this->l('New PrestaShop version available').' : <a style="text-decoration: underline;" 
target="_blank">'.$this->l('Download').' '.$update['name'].'</a> !</h3></div>';
echo '<p>'.$this->l('Update notification unavailable').'</p>';
echo '<p> </p>';
echo '<p>'.$this->l('To receive PrestaShop update warnings, you need to activate 
the <b>allow_url_fopen</b> command in your <b>php.ini</b> config file.').' 
[<a href="'.$isoUser.'/ref.filesystem.php">'
.$this->l('more info').'</a>]</p>';
echo '<p>'.$this->l('If you don\'t know how to do that, please 
contact your host administrator !').'</p><br>';

To comment it out put a forward slash and an asterisk at the beginning (e.g. /*if@ini_get...) and an asterisk and a forward slash at the end (e.g. }*/). You can edit the file from the Files section of the Pixie control panel, or you can download it with an FTP client, edit it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and upload it back overwriting the old file.

If you want to hide the backend message New version of PrestaShop is available in PrestaShop 1.5, you have to modify a different file. The file is called content.tpl. Assuming that your PrestaShop is installed directly in the public_html folder on your hosting account and the admin folder is labeled admin_dir, then the path to it will be public_html/admin_dir/themes/default/template/controllers/home/content.tpl. Edit the file and comment out the following code:

{if $upgrade}
<div id="blockNewVersionCheck">
{if $upgrade->need_upgrade}
<div class="warning warn" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
<h3>{l s='New version of PrestaShop is available'} : 
<a style="text-decoration: underline;" 
href="{$upgrade->link}" target="_blank">{l s='Download'} 
{$upgrade->version_name}</a> !</h3></div>
<p>{l s='Update notification unavailable'}</p>
<p> </p>
<p>{l s='To receive PrestaShop update warnings, you need to activate'} 
[<a href="{$isoUser}/ref.filesystem.php">
{l s='more info on'}</a>]</p>
<p>{l s='If you don\'t know how to do this, please contact your 
hosting provider!'}</p><br />

To comment it out put an opening angle bracket, followed by an exclamation mark and two hyphens at the beginning (e.g. <!--{if $upgrade}) and two hyphens and a closing angle bracket at the end (e.g. {/if}-->). You can edit the file from the Files section of the Pixie control panel, or you can download it, edit it with a text editor and then upload it back. In case you want to enable update notifications again just uncomment the code.

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