How to disable the upgrade wizard in SugarCRM
In SugarCRM you can disable and enable the upgrade wizard by modifying the config.php file. This is useful if you don't want other administrators to be able to upgrade the SugarCRM application.
The config.php file is in the root SugarCRM directory on your SugarCRM hosting account. For example, if the application is installed in a folder called sugarcrm directly in the public_html directory on your account, the path in relation to the public_html directory would be public_html/sugarcrm/config.php. You can edit the file from the Files section of the Pixie control panel. Just click on the file with the left mouse button to see its content and edit it; then click on the Save Contents button. You can also download the file, edit it with a text editor (e.g. Notepad, Wordpad), and then upload it back overwriting the old file.
The code that you have to change is at the beginning of the file and looks like this:
'admin_access_control' => false,
You have to change false to true, so that the code looks like this:
'admin_access_control' => true,
When you do it nobody will be able to access the upgrade wizard (including you). If you want to upgrade the application, just modify the same line of code in the config.php file. When you're done with the upgrade you can disable the upgrade wizard again.